Film making and the arts share the cultural sphere. It is always a great pleasure to work within the cultural sector, the common language of creativity makes for fluid dialogue and satisfying results. Clients include National Museums Scotland, National Galleries Scotland, Edinburgh Arts Festival and many national and international exhibition design agencies who have taken my work across the globe and have been seen by hundreds of thousands of visitors.
Finding Genghis Khan.
Film to accompany Nomad Exhibitions international touring exhibition, this version is for The Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam, Netherlands - presented at. Using 2.5D applied to illustrations created for exhibition graphic panels, display areas, interpretive display panels and banners.
Arkwright V Crompton.
An anaglyph version of the 3D lenticular film for Bolton Museum. The screen in the exhibition 'Revolutionary Town' is a lenticular 3D screen, viewable without glasses. The LG screen used was the only lenticular 3D screen on the market screen mountable in portrait. The film was shot in stereo portrait, a worlds first. LG heavily promoting this successful project in their PR.
View with red / green anaglyph 3D glasses if you have a pair at hand.
Mackintosh at the Willow.
Creation of a collection of interpretive films embedded in the permanent exhibition about the story of successful and forward thinking local entrepreneur Miss Kate Cranston and her unique collaboration with Charles Rennie Mackintosh and his wife Margaret Macdonald.
‘Argyle Chair’, one of five films.