A passion for film making established in art school days along side a passion for adventure brought together a skill set that established the ground work for Gavin’s career. Beginning in production facilities, working on TV commercials, drama and corporate Gavin has experienced many of the key roles of production until settling on self shooting producer / directing.
During the span of his career Gavin has been flexible and adaptable in adjusting his work practice with the constant changes that have seen a move from a handful of broadcast channels and costly production to an explosion of technology and opportunities available to many more potential clients.
At the core of Gavin’s experience, are the skills that never change, an understanding of filmmaking as a language of communication and an ability to communicate and collaborate with clients in applying this expertise for their service.

“Your films have depth, story and personality!”
– Marla Ulrich, Agency Producer, Kessels Kramer.
“Client really pleased "everything we expected and more" so thanks very much.”
– Rod Stewart, Director, TideMotion.
“Gavin can turn a sandwich into a banquet.”
– Murray Grigor, Documentary Director.